Sunday, July 05, 2009

Our Trip Day Ten (Hershey, PA)

On day ten of our vacation, we went to Hershey Pennsylvania. The street lights were in the shape of Hershey Kisses.

Every other light was wrapped (silver) and every other was unwrapped.

How would you like to live on the corner of Cocoa Ave. and Chocolate Ave.?

We went to the Hershey Museum to learn about the story of Mr. Hershey. He seemed like a very good guy.
Can you tell that Sam and Aaron like chocolate a little?

The Chocolate Lab

We got to go inside the Hershey Laboratory and learn about chocolate and cocoa beans and then we got to make our own chocolate bars. They gave us some spices to put on the bars, I put cinnamon and Sam put cinnamon and crushed red pepper. He liked it.

Mmmm, yummy, this was actually the best chocolate that I have ever tasted, so creamy.

1 comment:

beccalynn! said...

holy cow now you have made so incredibly jealous i want to book my trip right now!!! <3 u!

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