Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Bunny Picnic

Yesterday our family and friends met at Irvine park to celebrate Easter. We has such a fun time eating, playing, socializing and holding my grandbabies. I got to play soccer for the first time and oh my gosh! I am so sore! I am going to have to get more exercise and get into better shape.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Mr. & Mrs. Do-it-yourself Get over the Hump

Okay! Were are finally over the hump. After two years of working on our kitchen we can finally start cooking. We installed the tile backsplash last week and are ready to start working on the floorboards and mouldings above the cupboards. It's so nice to cook on new appliances. Thanks honey for all of your hard work... you rock!!!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Hair Day

Wow!!! I feel like a new woman! Thanks Carol for lunch and the fun time we had playing beauty shop. Today Carol and I got together to do each other's hair....I think it has been a year since the last time and boy did I need my hair cut! Carol took off a good 8 - 10 inches and I feel like a new person. I even got to visit with Tunte Norma.

Our visits together are not only good for our looks, it's good for our souls.

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